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Virtual Staff

Virtual Staff has been designed and written to provide a simple yet powerful way of connecting employers with freelancers around the world. It is driven by the desire to put all on an even footing without excessive charges, some as much as 40% of the project



There are many possible options out there right now for doing this, some of the bigger players are very well known and supported, but their charges can mean that small companies and individual freelancers find their services too expensive.

Some organization charge both the employer and the freelancer 20 % each – thus making the whole project 40% more expensive than it needs to be – This is a major factor we are addressing, this to us does not seem right. We believe that a simple low subscription should be all that is charged.


What does this mean:


Let’s put it into context:


“Beauty Products are Us” are looking for some graphic design work. They decided to use a common platform for finding a freelancer. They have a budget of 500 (currency does not matter). They advertise the work. Jane Smith applies, she quotes a price of 400 for the work.


Wonderful – under budget and can do the work – she supplies a link to her website, and you can see her work.


Now beauty Products must pay her 400 – plus 20% (the platforms fee)

Jane Smith quoted 400 – but she only gets 80% of that

So Beauty Products pays 480

Jane gets 320

The Platform gets 160 – yes, we know that they have guarantees, timers etc. but a wise freelancer will ask for an escrow account etc. and there are so many tools out there to record hours worked supported by screen shots…  


On Virtual staff both the employer and the freelance pay a subscription, Monthly, quarterly yearly. This never changes, this does not increase to penalize you for getting more work.

The subscription fees can be found on our Subscription Page. Lets say they both go for 9.99 monthly, the most expensive,

Now beauty Products must pay her 400

Jane Smith quoted 400 – but she only gets 100% of that

So, Beauty Products now pays only the amount bid 400

Jane now gets the full 400


They pay the subscription anyway.



Does this not seem like a much be honest and better way of working? We think so….



We believe that the costs for using such a tool should be reasonable and based on our experience more realistic - thus we have a simple policy of subscriptions with zero hidden extras - you can apply for as many jobs as you want without any changes to the costs

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